
On a Happier Note...

Swim Team starts up in two weeks. Which, while it may not seem like a big deal to most of you, is kind of a big thing for me. Because swimming is awesomeness. Or something like that. But Michael Phelps unfortunately moved himself into the FAIL category this week.

I just don't understand why someone like him has to go and do something like that. I mean, after all those medals, does he really need drugs to be happy? The guy has seriously disappointed me. Actually, he has irrevocably disappointed me.

But this was supposed to be a happier post, so... moving on.

In other news, I also received a comment. My first, I should add. It was a spam comment written in, I think, Japanese. I wouldn't know, though. I only speak English, Latin, and a spattering of Spanish. Also some Elvish. I wouldn't admit that if I wasn't doing this anonymously.

Anyway, I received my first comment with much joy, even though I deleted it in all of its spamminess. And... spell check just toppled over dead. 'Spamminess' sent it into cardiac arrest, regrettably.

Lastly, have you any Dr. Pepper? I thought not. Please inform me if you happen to acquire any, because I'm going to need both yours AND mine. I've gotten tot he point where I purposefully withhold my Dr-Pepper-owning-status from friends, shoving cans of nasty Coca-Cola in their faces with an encouraging and creepy leer and insisting that Coke is in all ways wonderful and great.

Now if you will excuse me, I need to go stop my younger sister from pirating a Dr. Pepper from the refrigerator.


Urgh - Episode II

Sometimes life just sucks. Seriously. Like when your best friend moves away to some place in the middle of the Northwest wilderness and is unable to contact in any way other than via text. And texting 'G2g, ttly' is not my idea of communicating with a friend. Especially one like A, the friend I lost - obviously not his name, just a clever dorky abbreviation - who was totally awesome in nearly every way. Except that he liked Eragon. And everyone knows that Eragon sucks.


Anyway, A was pretty awesome. In fact, he was ridiculously awesome. And texting in place of our dramatic and lengthy conversations... just doesn't cut it. Not really.

Anyhow, I went and saw Slumdog Millionaire tonight with a couple of people, and dang - it was awesome. In my opinion it is the only film deserving to be on this year's pathetic list of Best Picture Nominees. I'll be rooting for it.

But it is late in this land of woe where I reside, so I will check off for the evening. G'night.


Urgh. Or some word like it.

Anyone else out there who cared more about the new episode of the Office than they did the Super Bowl? Or is that a horrible crime that I should be repeatedly clubbed with a large stick for? (Also: bricks.)

I dunno. I just don't really care about football. At all. And, since I am a girl, I know that should not be counted as the announcement of the century, but I do enjoy baseball to the extent of rabid obsession, and I do competitive swimming, so it isn't as if I am just a girly girl - I definitely am not. And dang, that sentence went on a really long time. Whoops.

Plus, I don't really get the obsession over the ads. I mean, sure, there are some good ones thrown in there, but so what? OK, I admit I laughed at the Hulu ad, but other than that it is just a bit meh - don't we spend most of the time trying to avoid commercials? I mean, TiVo anyone?

But maybe I am alone on this, and if so, then fine. But still, you cannot deny the awesomeness of the Office, unless you are a bitter opinionated fan of the UK version who cannot accept both to be great shows.

Need I say more?


More Things About Me That You Never Really Needed to Know

This is taken from my fanfic page, which is available here.

Books I Love

The Fellowship of the Ring; The Two Towers; Return of the King; The Hobbit; Wuthering Heights; White Fang; Gulliver's Travels; On the Edge of the Dark Sea of Darkness; The Chronicles of Narnia; Moby Dick; Journey to the Center of the Earth; The Great Divorce; Spartan; Artemis Fowl; Children of HurĂ­n;

Music That I Continuously Run on my iPod:

One Republic; Coldplay; Tammy Trent; Sara Groves; Natalie Grant; Hillsong; The Fray; Blake Lewis; Panic at the Disco; Hoobastank; Daughtry; Casting Crowns

Movies That I Intend to Watch One Billion Times Before I Die:

The Dark Knight; Iron Man; Wall - E; Batman Begins; Pirates of the Caribbean; Star Wars; The Princess Bride; The Lord of the Rings; Enchanted; All the Indy movies except for Temple of Doom; Prince Caspian.

I Despise:

Eragon (coughStarWars2cough); Harry Potter; His Dark Materials; High School Musical. And if I hear another Hannah Montana song (my ten-year-old sister is a fan), I swear that my brain is going to finally melt into a pile of gray mush (unless it already has). And also the New York Yankees, because it is the duty of any Red Sox fan to hate the Yankees with the fury of a thousands seething suns.

I Adore:

Anything written by J.R.R. Tolkien or C.S. Lewis. The Boston Red Sox. Secretariat. Peanut M&Ms. Dr. Pepper. And those awesome Croissan'wich things you can get at Burger King until 10:30.

5 Facts About Me:

1. When I'm not writing/reading, I spend my time competitive swimming, editing movies that I make with my friends, texting, helping out in my church nursery, and ranting about my seething hatred - er, dislike! - of Twilight, Philip Pullman, the New York Yankees, Joe Biden, and Pepsi

2. I love wintergreen. Wintergreen gum and wintergreen lifesavers. And Dr. Pepper.

3. I own a hyperactive Labrador Retriever named Obi-Wan. He's a cutie. Even when he chews up my dad's weed eater. My dad no longer thinks he's very cute. I also own a Gray Tabby named Yoda. Yes, I like Star Wars - why?

4. I am pretty conservative. I supported McCain in this last election, and I am very much Pro-Life. However: I am not devastated that Obama won, nor do I feel that the apocalypse is nigh. I actually like and respect Obama, as much as a Republican can. But Biden? WHY DON'T YOU JUST RAKE YOUR FINGERNAILS DOWN A CHALKBOARD WHILE BASHING ME IN THE HEAD WITH A LARGE SLEDGE HAMMER? Ahem. This concludes my political rant.

5. I have a psychotic obsession with texting with perfect grammar. It isn't practical, I know, but I can't seem to help it. I'm a bit weird that way. Well, in a lot of ways. But that's beside the point I'm trying to make. What?

Blogging about Blogging... I think

I have never owned a blog. Well, wait, not entirely true. I have. I started a blog, posted once, forgot about it, and was later notified by Blogger that they worried my small and pathetic internet cubicle was a "spam blog". Traumatized me for life. Er, until now, anyway.

Which brings me to why I am starting this blog now:

And that was your answer. I have absolutely no clue why I am beginning this ridiculous thing, and it certainly isn't to tell my family about it. They think I hate blogs. And I won't tell any friends, either, because I kind of want this to be a very separate and private documentation of my thoughts and feelings. Or something cheesy like that. Dunno yet.

I doubt anyone will read it - at least not regularly - but I need some way of writing my opinions online. At least, I think I do.

Be back later with more.