
On a Happier Note...

Swim Team starts up in two weeks. Which, while it may not seem like a big deal to most of you, is kind of a big thing for me. Because swimming is awesomeness. Or something like that. But Michael Phelps unfortunately moved himself into the FAIL category this week.

I just don't understand why someone like him has to go and do something like that. I mean, after all those medals, does he really need drugs to be happy? The guy has seriously disappointed me. Actually, he has irrevocably disappointed me.

But this was supposed to be a happier post, so... moving on.

In other news, I also received a comment. My first, I should add. It was a spam comment written in, I think, Japanese. I wouldn't know, though. I only speak English, Latin, and a spattering of Spanish. Also some Elvish. I wouldn't admit that if I wasn't doing this anonymously.

Anyway, I received my first comment with much joy, even though I deleted it in all of its spamminess. And... spell check just toppled over dead. 'Spamminess' sent it into cardiac arrest, regrettably.

Lastly, have you any Dr. Pepper? I thought not. Please inform me if you happen to acquire any, because I'm going to need both yours AND mine. I've gotten tot he point where I purposefully withhold my Dr-Pepper-owning-status from friends, shoving cans of nasty Coca-Cola in their faces with an encouraging and creepy leer and insisting that Coke is in all ways wonderful and great.

Now if you will excuse me, I need to go stop my younger sister from pirating a Dr. Pepper from the refrigerator.

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